Advanced visualisation

Messenger-based applications are needed that facilitate access to complex documents such as standards and contracts.

Chatbots have been developed that allow users to search the general conditions of FIDIC contracts and to access related resources such as guidance and proposed particular conditions of contract. The bots are available via
The chatbots are highly innovative and like FIDICcharts at, they offer a new syle of user interface to access FIDIC contracts.
FIDICbot is preferred version is on Twitter Telegram, Facebook Messenger and LINE. It uses Smooch as the multichannel integrator which offers a better interface than the FIDICchatbot Skype version that uses the Microsoft Bot Framework. However, the source materials and the logic used to search the FIDIC contracts and obtain guidance are the same for both versions.

FIDICcharts is a web application that has been developed to help coordinate and track the various sample (sometimes called "standard") letters that are needed for a FIDIC contract. The application uses swimlane charts (a form of timeline chart) to chart the sequencing of the various letters while a contract progresses.
The application is browser-based and once accessed at it can be used offline. The app works with all major browsers on desktops, laptops and tablets except Windows touch devices.
At this stage the application is in a development stage and is being used to develop charts and the accompanying sample letters. We are currently making a big effort to complete the 16 principal charts.
The demo site only provides the text of some letters as samples. However, all charts and references to all letters will be available once they are finalised. A fee will only be required if a user requires the letters (which can be copied directly on-screeen).
Users are invited to test the app and to send comments to
Updated July 2021