Management training

Business development provides training services for business development - mainly aspects related to management systems, procurement, conditions of contract.
Training services are tailored for short seminars (up to one day), courses (two to four days) and programmes comprising several training modules.
Training modules are supplied as notes for participants, presentation slides, and cases and work exercises.
Training modules cover the following areas:
- Open-source location-aware intelligence management
- Management Systems: Environmental Management; Project Sustainability Management; Business Integrity Management; Quality Management; Integrated Performance Management.
- Business Development: Market and Industry Surveys; Business Development Processes.
- Project Management
- Contracts: Professional Services Agreements; FIDIC Conditions of Contract; Contract Management and Administration.
- Procurement: Procurement for Organisations, and Project Procurement.
- Sustainable Infrastructure Standards (SuRe, Envision, CEEQUAL, ICSA)
- Adaptation Planning in the Built Environment
Peter Boswell,'s senior associate, is a FIDIC International Accredited Trainer , a CAPEC International Expert and a GIB Associate. has provided training for a significant number of international organisations and firms, including:
- Global Infrastructure Basel
- European Commission
- China Association of Plant Engineering Consultants
- Association of Consulting Engineers Tanzania
- China National Association of Engineering Consultants
- Jordan Association of Engineers
- Korea Engineering and Consulting Association
- Engineering and Consulting Firms Association Japan
- Institute of Materials, UK
- Johnson Matthey, UK
- Htachi, Japan
- Toyota, Japan
- Battelle Institute, USA
For further information, please contact Peter Boswell (; mobile: +41 79 298 96 66).
Digital security solutions
In association with Vandagraf International, provides training in the digital aspects of packaging, labelling and brand protection:
- Electronic Document Distribution
- Digital Rights Management
- Secure Labelling
- Track and Trace
- Product Certification
For further information, please contact Peter Boswell (; mobile: +41 79 298 96 66) or James Bevan (