Sustainable infrastructure

The procurement of sustainable infrastructure calls for standards and training.
SuRe sustainable infrastructure standard
The SuRe Standard Committee and the Global Infrastructure Basel (GIB) Foundation released Version 2.0 of the SuRe Standard for sustainable infrastructure in early-August, 2021. Some 175 projects in 47 countries for a total CAPEX of USD 52bn USD have been guided by the open-access, multi-stakeholder driven SuRe Standard in enhancing their positive impact. The new version keeps the Standard in line with evolving ESG (environmental; social; environmental) criteria.
Standard Committee
The Standard Committee meets regularly. The main topics discussed at recent meetings were the:
- incorporation of child-friendly aspects into infrastructure (see for example the Global Youth Safety campaign) ,
- the launch of a pilot accreditation programme,
- the training of auditors and certifiers,
- a World Bank project to align infrastructure certification standards and the relationship with the FAST-Infra initiative,
- the coordination of events at the Conference of the Parties climate summits,
- an endorsement agreement for partners,
- the reponse to a GIB-organised Massive Open Online Course for procurement professionals.
This activity forms part of climate change adaptation activities in support of the FIDIC Sustainable Development Committee (see blog post).
Updated August 2021